Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Have you ever been caught daydreaming, or wishing you could be wisked away from your boring life to one a little more adventurous, or even dangerous? This Christmas, a movie starring Ben Stiller is coming to theaters, entitled The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The movie is based loosely from a James Thurber short story by the same name. For a credit recovery grade (classwork or participation), read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" on page 624 of your textbooks, and do A-B and #1-6 on page 631. This would replace a zero with a full-credit grade, or add points to a low grade. If you are interested, you can download an audio file (from Audible.com) of Ben Stiller actually reading the original short story his movie is based on, and read along! See link below. Ben Stiller Reads "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Varsity Defensive End Kicked Off Team and Suspended For Writing a Poem

Poetry can be a powerful tool to express one's feelings. Confessional poets such as John Berryman, Sylvia Plath, or Anne Sexton often wrote poetry as a form of therapy, a way to vent one's frustrations about the world. This one particular student and varsity football player at an Ohio public high school was only writing a poem for an English class assignment, but it got him in hot water with his coach and principal. Is it fair that this student was kicked off the team and suspended from school for writing something he was passionate/frustrated about? Especially if it was for a class assignment? Read the following article, and we will discuss in class whether his poem was slander/harrassment or his freedom of speech. Defensive End Kicked Off Team For Writing a Poem

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Emily Dickinson Writes About Her Man

As discussed in class, Dickinson had a few unrequited loves (the lawyer and the reverend), which possibly affected her reclusive nature. In her poem,I Cannot Live With You (640), we see a more confessional, yet still cryptic, poem about a love that cannot be. Read the poem, and the corresponding article if you have time, and look for the clues in the poem that would help you infer that she is indeed writing about one of the unattainable men in her life.
By the way, this picture of Emily is the only authenticated photo of her after childhood. Some people say she has an eerie, sly look about her that suggests that her secretiveness is her strength, like she has one over on us. Or she's just a kooky recluse.

The Awakening for Your E-Reader!

If you would rather read our novel The Awakening with your e-reader instead the tattered books I had to assign, there are two links here you can choose from, the PDF Version and the Word Document Version. Many thanks go out to Landon Clark for setting this up for us!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

To My Old Master

In connection with Frederick Douglass' autobiography and Jim's experiences in the novel Huck Finn, here is a letter written by a freed slave to his former master, at his request that he come back to work on his farm. Letter to My Old Master As you read the letter, look for the following: 1)What humorous sarcasm does Jourdon use toward his former master? 2)What is the deal Jourdon would be willing to make with his former master should he come back to work for him? 3)Why do you think the newspapers of this time period would want to insist to their readers that Jourdon dictated this letter?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reality and the Real World, "Mountain Man" Style

For homework reading for Monday, September 16th, here is the Eustace Conway article file. Eustace Conway Article (You will be directed to Box.com to view the article) Things to think about while reading: Based on what we discussed about his life in class, how has his lifestyle changed since the age of 17? What is oxymoronic or contradictory about his philosophy of life and what he is doing right now in his life?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thanks To All You English Types

I appreciate everybody's contributions to the blog site this past month. Finalizing all my grades from the Fall semester and making copies of handouts for the Spring semester got me to thinking how much I'm going to miss having you guys First Period. I hope you did well on your other class's final exams, and I wish you the best next semester!

Remember this: "The man who knows everything has fleas in each ear, and they look up the answers" -- Carl Sandburg.

(Who am I kidding, you guys aren't going to read this. You are probably off Twittering or hooking up with friends on Facebook!)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My letter

Dear Mr. Hampton:

It was dark, warm, humid, and 4 am. My cheek was pressed against the window. I could feel the hot tears running down my face, as my eyes lingered on the fading image of the only place I have ever known, my hometown, Mays Landing, NJ. Little did I know that on the morning of July 18,2008, my life would change as I had known it. Sitting in the car I flashed back to the night before. We were at our friend’s house saying goodbye and my friend walked out. The fact of moving had not really hit me yet but when he walked out and said “bye” all the tears that I had been holding back came out. The entire ride to dinner I just cried letting al my pain and anger come out. Little did I know that this was just the start that even now there would be nights that I cry myself to sleep. But I, Erin Norell, was starting a whole new chapter in my life called Morganton, NC. While starting a new life, I would discover new friends and how true my old ones are, my style, and how creative my imagination was.

A year later I am sitting uptown with my friends at Hams, laughing with my friends, and having fun in a place I was determined to hate. I am not going to lie. Starting High School with no friends is horrible and nerve-racking, but as time went on I surrounded myself with new friends, while still keeping up with my old ones. In North Carolina I have met two of the most amazing friends that I will never forget. Gaby Jaynes and Stephanie Norman. Throughout this entire semster they have helped me every step of the way. I don’t know what I would do without them. Gaby is so smart that it is scary sometimes. We call the short 5’1 mathleete, since she is so good at math. If it weren’t for Gaby I don’t know how I would even pass math. Stephanie is the tallest of us all and the best at world history. We have so much fun together, running through malls trying not to get in trouble with cops. Stephanie is the one I can count on for anything. With Gaby and Stephanie I can’t go wrong. Now my best Jersey friends are; Ciera, Liz, and Lauren. Ciera has been with me since 5th grade. We have gone through everything together. She knows everything about me; every single detail about my life she knows. When I have a problem I go running to her; she is always on my side. When some really bad things were happening to her around 7thgrade, I was there for her. We are so close I call her my sister. Even though she lives 600 miles away, she is the one I would call if I were in jail, because she would come bail me out. I think it’s truly amazing that I am as close to her as I am far away. Then there is Liz. She is an amazing girl, even though she is at least 5 inches shorter than me she has a way about her that makes her seem like the biggest person in the room. I have known her since 7thgrade,and since then we have been inseparable. If some one made me cry she will say” who is it I will kill them”. She is the one person you want on your side, because with her you can’t loose. Even though Ciera and Liz live in N.J; they are the two people I will always run to when my world is falling apart. Finally, my true best friend, she is only 5’2, has the same natural hair color as me, and we share dad’s blue eyes, is my baby sister, Lauren. We don’t always get along, we fight constantly, but in the end she is always there for me 24/7 365. Mom tells us that one day we will be tremendously close. I hope so. I want us to be like how we are on our good days, just chilling on my bed, doing our nails, and facial masks, while we watch an “NCIS” marathon. I know one day, when were old, we will laugh and wonder how we even fought over such petty things. Even though she knows exactly how to aggravate me, we are family and I can forgive her for being annoying. I know Lauren will always stand by me. I just hope I can do the same for her. If it weren’t for theses people and, many more, I don’t know how different life would be. All of these people affect my style and me so much without them I just might be a different person.

Ear-shattering music blasting, a glistening runway filled with picture perfect models with lights dancing across the clothes, all ads up to one thing, style, my personal style. For me, fashion is a huge part of my life. Its how I express myself. I can spend hours poring through fashion magazines, looking at the clothes and what’s new or what new trend is in this season. Style is what a drug is to an addict, I love going shopping and running my hands through the rich fabrics and feeling the soft silk on my hands. For me shopping is my high. Most people don’t understand why I would pay $ 300.00 for a purse, but if it is high quality and something that will be a classic and not just a trendy ”now” bag I think it is worth all $300.00. Right now I am really into the whole vintage look; I love raiding my moms clothes from the 80’s, even if I don’t have the guts to wear them to school. Some of my favorite stores are: Urban Outfitters, Delais, and Forever 21. To sum up my “personal style” is a mix of urban, and vintage 80’s, and some Hollister, and American Eagle in there. In the end though, it’s all up to my imagination to what I am going to wear today.

As he looks at her and whispers the three words she is longing to hear “ I love you,”is a perfect ending to a perfect story that only a wild imagination could come up with, and I definitely have a wild imagination. At any time I will just come up with a story in my mind that takes me to a whole new world. When I am bored or just need to escape, I let my mind run free. For example, many times over the summer I had to babysit, and when it was time to tuck the kids in I would tell them a story. It could be about knights in shinning armor, or an alien space war, or even a simple love story. Being able to imagine the impossible is important for me, and it gives me the ability to rewrite my life the way I want it, even if it won’t come true. Having a wild imagination is something I would never give up. My imagination lets me dream of what I will do one day; it helps me realize my life dream and the goals that will get me there.

In the end, my friends, style, and imagination are only a few things that make up my life, there is so much more that I could fill up an entire book, but for now I am focused on the future. My goals for the future are; to get an A in Dr. Smith’s class, go to UNC Chapel Hill, and then go to medical school and then become a doctor. One way or another I am going to achieve each one of my goals. I want my name to go down in history. So right now I am going to focus on the present, so I can make the future happen.


Erin Norell


Karate, to me at least, is a blissful state in which the torments of this world fade away and the embrace of feral instinct rush forth to deliver an awe inspiring flow of maneuvers. A wondering resplendent blade, only but a glimpse or a flash, grooves its path through the wind to sing a faint euphony to my ears. My hand clasps the hilt for only a moment to send the fatal accoutrement into a harmless flight as the moon manifests its ghostly face upon the gleaming silver. The sword glides into my awaiting hand becoming uniform and is sheathed with a satisfying clink of metal. Reality creeps up my spine in the penetrating cold. A bead of sweat trickles down my face to soundlessly drop on the chilled pavement. I habitually give a cascading glance downwards as I remove the splintered sheath, while reaching for the old weather worn bostaff. Spinning the six-foot fragment of bamboo upwards, I felt the the unhindered spirit of freedom warm my soul as it invigorated my hands to manipulate the now propeller-like object to rotate behind me and whip into the air to sojourn with my soul's puppets. My fingers then guide the bostaff behind me to rest... I will contribute more to this.
I wanna rock!


I do not know what to blog about i am not a very creative person and i am definitely not a good writer. I do not like writing "creative" papers because i can never figure out what i want to write about that wont sound stupid. I dont like to write much due to my incapability to be creative. I am usually not creative anyway in music, writing, or pretty much anything else but i dont mind because I dont have to try to put myself to creative standards like other people, that are creative, may hold themselves to. Another beefit of being un-creative is that people who may need creative ideas about things will not come to me so I will not have the weight of the responsibility of doing something for someone else that I may not complete for the said person and feel bad for them because of something that was my fault.

Is it really necessary??

I am so ready for next semester to be here already. All because of the snow, we have to make the semester an extra week. There was even a half-day that got changed to a whole day that we have to make up. School consumes to much of my life as it is. Some classes are just not necessary and I don't understand why they are mandatory. A certain class stresses me out of my mind... you may know what I'm talking about. Last test of the semester today...well at least half of it. This semester has lasted to long and it needs to end now!


I'm in so much pain right now! Here, let me tell you something. Yesterday I went to DX my shoes in the supply room down in the JROTC building because it wasn't shiny anymore. I got a new pair of shoes, but it only looked the same size as my old one not exactly the same. You see, I have very wide feet although they may look small. Well, this morning I put them on but found that my feet was too big for it!! I jammed my feet into it anyways because I didn't want to bring an extra tennis shoes and then have to carry it back home with me.
So we were outside waiting for the bus and my feet was killing me. It was so excruciatingly painful!!! Every step I took was full of unbearable pain, and I looked like I was limping. So just a couple minutes ago I went down to the ROTC building to get a new pair. Then Sergeant Long made fun of me and asked why didn't I come earlier. Oh well! But I'm still in very much pain from the shoe I was just wearing, and my heels feel terrible. I feel like I'm going back to summer camp when I had to break in a pair of boots and ended up with a huge blister at the back of my ankle!! :((((


So I'm watching Matthew type, right? and he's typing stuff about sleeping in class and dreaming and reacting to dreams, right?? And suddenly he just bursts out in "Fail-fail, fail-fail" in this metronome type rhythym. And rythym is a really wierd word when you look at it on a screen. I think I misspelled it. So, anyway, I'm gonna give you guys the screenplay for Sham-Wow! Guy in Jail, which you can look up on youtube later. It is very funny.

Guy that looks like Shamwow guy:(1)

Inmates:( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc...)

(prison courtyard comes into view)

(Sham-Wow! guy standing at table)

1: Hey, you!

2: Who, me?

1:Yea. you! Yea, you want some playing cards? See these cards? They're made in Germany, y'know the German's always make good stuff.

(flaps cards out of his hands by accident)

1: Okay, I got another offer for ya. (pulls out lighter) See these? You try to light these things on fire, they don't light. Cell phone?(holds up phone) Ain't gonna light! This?(a mug) Ain't gonna light! Now this (cigarette) y'light this on fire, put it in your mouth, ya got a buzz. Now lets talk girls. You want girls? You don't have girls. You get one of these:(produces lingerie magazine)


Cameraguy, you gettin' this?(gestures to no one)

3(in spanish): Who are you talking to??

1(hesitates): Who are you talkin' to...?

1: Okay, see this rubber knife? Bendy-bendy(bends knife), this isn't gonna protect yo uwhen Mitch over here tries to [GET] you.(gestures behind to inmate just walking around) But this? (produces switchblade and clicks it open) One stab(stabs Mitch), fleshwound. Two stabs? (stabs twice more) Dead. (starts throwing food onto body) Add ham, egg, some onions, three stabs, you got breakfast. I'm just kidding.

Okay, so here's the slap-chop. You put things in it, you chop it, you got salad. It also doubles as a zip-gun. (points at fat inmate and slaps, inmate is shot in head and dies) So call now, because you know I can't do this all day. I just killed two guys, an' I'm gonna get the electric chair.

(Inmates scatter)

So, y'know the Sham-Wow! guy's name is ironically Offer "Vince" Shlomi, and he's from Israel. Now, Okay, an Israelite is telling us that the Germans make good stuff. Okay, that's freaky. And his name is Offer. Okay, he's offering us amazing! deals on towel products and kitchen utensils, just like Billy Mays. Except it turns out that Billy Mays was really offended. I mean, sure he made everyone want to BUY OXYCLEAN!!!!, but there's really no contest: He's dead and "Vince" is here and just as good, selling us Sham-Wow! and the Slap-Chop, and if Billy Mays was still alive and hadn't hated Vince's guts they could have teamed up and TAKEN OVER THE WORLD!!!
'Course, Billy's dead, and Vince got an "offer"(get it?) from a [GIRL], who bit his tongue off. So now he isn't on T.V. anymore.

Dream Sequence!

Have you ever had a dream and in the dream you react to something, but you actually react in real life? It happens to me all the time... Like this one time, I was asleep in Algebra 2... ('cause I'm just that beasty?) and anyways I was asleep, and I dreamt of that movie Gattaca, and in the dream I do the finger-prick-thing and a door opens. I reach through the door but all of a sudden it slams shut. My hand gets caught in the door and I experience what I call dream-pain... you know where your mind thinks it is expeciencing pain in a dream but you really don't feel it? It's closely related to dream-fear, dream anger, dream-Fail, dream-sadness, and dream-etc... anyways! So I wake up from the dream and and my arm spasms and flys out from under my other arm (they were crossed) and it looks like I tried to back-hand someone in my sleep. Another time, I was asleep and my brother tries to ask me what I want for breakfast. However, as I said, I'm still asleep, and so I hear his voice in my dream through the mouth of this guy I'm my dream. So I go crazy and start ranting at the dream-guy (and therefore at my brother) about how it's nighttime, I don't want breakfast, and why his tie is purple with pink Polka Dots. Eventually my stepmom walks in and shakes me awake. Then I go eat some muffins.
The End.

And by the way, apparently this post is more amazing than that time the Emperor learned the best formula for good Star Wars dialogue.
Something, something, something Dark Side.
Something, something, something complete.


What is sleep? Currently I do not believe in sleep because I have not gotten much. I have always wondered why high school students, especially humanities, get absolutely no sleep during each one of their High School semesters. I better find out soon because many of us will soon be joining them in their zombie-like state.

Partly on of the reasons is procrastination from many of us from doing those big essays assigned to us weeks before it is due. Many people I know put it off until the last second and that contributes to their sleep deprivation. Most of our sleep deprivation is also due to the stress of High school. (i.e Band, homework, social life, sports, competition, love life, etc...)

This is my life of sleep as follows.
1. Wake up around 6:15 and get ready for school.
2. Proceed through the day as usually (7:50-2:50)
3. Go home, stay after school for things, do homework. (3:00-6:00)
4. Swim Practice or any practice for a sport. (7:30-9:00)
5. Eat, shower. (9:30-10:30)
6. Do more homework.(10:45-11:15)
7. Watch T.V (11:20-11:45)
8. Sleep (12:00-6:15)
9. Repeat 1-8
*All times are approximate

I believe there should be a law that teachers aren't allowed to assign more than 30 minutes of work every night so we can enjoy our youth before we go to college and become adults

So I walk into this bar, right??
....No, that's Matthew's thing. Okay, so... I can't sleep. When I'm in my own bed, my stepbrother and little brother in the incredibly small room we have to sit about in are always texting and talking and won't freakin' shut up!!! So I can't sleep until about after 12 o'clock. Last night, the one night I get in after 11, they are already asleep.
Conclusion: It's a freakin' conspiracy to keep me from waking up on time in the morning!!! I wake up an hour and a half before every one else in the house at 4:30am. Everyone else wakes up at 6:00... Well, they should. But they inevitably end up sleeping in until 6:30(with fifteen minutes left to get dressed, perform hygienic practices, and eat, mind you) The stepfather wonders why, but doesn't seem to want to physically pull anyone out of bed.
They seem to like keeping me up all night. And lately, I've been waking up at 5:30 and 6:00. Even this morning, an hour behind my normal schedule! I should like to kill them!
And another thing! I don't get to sleep in my own bed some nights, my stepbrother does. He constantly disrespects everyone, doesn't give a dang about school, doesn't make the bed when he gets up, and when he does makehte bed he does it in liek ten seconds and I end up making it for real before I go to sleep that night. And another thign! When I make it, as was the case this morning, what does he go and do??? He throws himself on it as soon as he gets up and starts text-messaging. I'll kill him! I'll kill him!!!
Okay, so here's the plan: I get him on a disco floor. He'll start running his mouth.... When suddenly an Elvis impersonator comes out of nowhere, WHAM!

Pirates are cooler than ninjas.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy, approximately six years of age, wandering the shores of Darkvane Beach. His name was William Redbird. William collected shells and seaweed to make necklaces. He sold his necklaces at the market on Svendays. People frequently purchased his home-crafted jewelry, because of its unique appearance ans because he claimed the owner would be protected from all danger. The story he told his customers was of beast-men called Berserkers. They were terrible creatures, with long, sharp fangs and horns sprouting out of their ears. He said the monsters ate the skulls of their victims and carved out the hearts to wear. William told the people that Berserkers were repelled by seaweed and seashells. Many believed the boy, but the gypsy queen of Frith knew he was lying. She did not make a mockery of young William. However, she did summon the Berserkers to Frith, telling them she would have payment for them to murder the lying boy. The following day, the nasty creatures arrived in Frith, decked in seaweed and sea shells around their necks. The leader, Thorgillian Maxima, ordered his army to raid the city, to take prisoner of any human who tried to stop them, and to search specifically for a young William Redbird, by order of queen Alicea. In the meantime, he would go meet with the queen and collect their reward. The monsters were off, then, stealing whatever they could. Many of them forgot to search for William; they would suffer greatly for this later. The town of Frith was turned upside down, windows were shattered, fires burned homes to the ground, and mutilated bodies were everywhere. William, who had been hiding the entire time in a warm pool of sea water, was terrified. He knew these Berserkers were looking for him. He knew his time was coming to an end. He realized, after a moment of reflection, that he needed to save his town from further destruction. If he shouted at the creatures that he was William Redbird, perhaps they would leave Frith. Alas, he could not give himself to these monsters. He was a coward, and he was ashamed. He stood up several times, and immediately lowered himself into the water again. All of a sudden, there was a terrible sound, more awful than the sound of a ship being dragged to the depths of the sea by the Krakken, more terrifying than the sound of a lion dying slowly and agonizingly, more painful than the sound of a mother who has just lost her son to war. It was queen Alicea, crying out in anger. She was screeching William's name. He could not ignore this call; he had to go. Slowly, he pulled himself out of the warm water, and faced the Berserkers. They smirked at him. He kept his head down, hoping to wake up from this nightmare. The Berserkers were terribly impatient. One of them, a large creature named Rotha scooped William up and carried him to meet the queen. When the two arrived, queen Alicea had been tied up and knocked unconscious. Thorgillian sent his warrior out, and said to William, "You are a liar, William Redbird. For this reason, you will come with me, work on my ship. You will be my slave boy. Forever." Thorgillian smiled cruelly at him. The child tried to be brave, to face his fate. He had made a mistake, and now he would suffer the consequences. He would spend the rest of his life on a cursed ship with awful creatures. They were going to beat him, he knew it. He was terrified, but he tried to conceal this weakness. "We'll be taking your queen, too. You'll have some company, at least," Thorgillian said. And so the Berserkers took their plunder and loaded it onto the ship. The captives were taken below deck, stripped and given rags, and chained. William sat in the corner of the dark room, crying silently. How had his life taken such an awful turn?
-to be continued.-

In Your Arms

We're laying here so close tonight,
You pull me in and hold me tight.
I'm looking up above at the sky,
This reminds me of the way I love your dark eyes.
Lying side by side I can hear you breathe
and being so close I can feel your heat.
Laying back in your arms
I let my whole heart melt and flow into the stars.
I've never felt so close to anyone before
I'm so glad it's you. I couldn't ask for more.
You take my hand and it's so rough, but soft
and for so long my heart has fought,
Friendship, love and care,
but then it found you, unexpected just there
readily standing there just waiting to take me away
from all the struggle, heartbreak and pain.
I lean my head back on your chest
and I think thats where I love to be best.
I never want this feeling to change,
and never let our feelings rearrange.
I always want it to be you and me
becasue we fit perfect together, can't you see?
Me thinking of you,
and you thinking of me.
Away from every light , thought and all harm
Just looking at the stars, laying back in your arms.

Monday, January 11, 2010

*Fact or Fiction*

It was a dark and uninviting morning. The men were crowded together in the foxhole, praying to God that their lives would be spared. Everyday mysterious clouds would cover the horizon and span for at least one hundred miles. At approximately the same hour every morning, thousands of crows would begin to fly out of the clouds. The men knew it was because they had invaded the homeland to fight for their country. The stage was set during World War II and my great-grandfather, Julius, began to stick his head out over the edge of the foxhole and “Boom….”, a fighter jet had just dropped a bomb.
Here and there fellow Americans were screaming and frantically running for a place to hide. The Germans shot several times into the barricade. Everyone in his group had been killed, except for him. It was silent, so the Germans began to wonder what was happening. Julius had to think fast. He played dead to save his life. The Germans were not satisfied with having killed a whole group of men, and with guns in tow, they were quickly approaching. The enemies entered the foxhole and began to kick and beat the Americans, to ensure they were all dead. Julius endured the pain, so as to not show he was still alive. They also took the valuables and belongings from the group; they took my great-grandfather’s watch, assuming he was dead. Soon after the Germans had left, he joined another platoon, and they began to head toward Amsterdam.
Unknowingly the Germans had received knowledge of where the Americans were going, and decided to follow them on their journey. The men realized this and spotted what seemed to be heaven across the way. Most of the men decided to hide in the building, thinking that their enemies would never think to look in there. Julius and a few of his comrades chose to continue on to Amsterdam. As they turned around a ghastly sight they beheld. The Germans had torched the structure and all the men hidden away inside. Now there were only four men and my great-grandfather. They killed each German soldier that was surrounding them. The Americans fought them off one by one, and proceeded to Amsterdam. Now during this time, some people would hide soldiers in their houses to keep them safe. Julius and his few fellow soldiers were invited into a house by a lady and her daughter. They were kept a secret in the basement of the house. The next day, German soldiers ordered that they be allowed to search the woman’s house. Without a worry in the world, she let them in. The Americans were so well hidden that the Germans did not suspect one thing. Little did my great-grandfather know, this woman who saved his life, would later turn out to be my great-grandmother. He had to leave Amsterdam and continue to fight for his country; but before he went on his way, the lady gave him a pair of wooden shoes that were the custom in that part of the world.
In 1946, after having successfully defeated Germany and Japan, Julius and his American counterparts were taken to New York by ship. He was being discharged from the 75th infantry of the army. The naval officers had to check the records of everyone who had safely arrived back in the U.S.A. When it came time for Julius to stand on solid ground, it was discovered that there was no record of him ever being drafted into the war. There were no records of him fighting for his life, his country, or his fellow soldiers. According to the U.S. government, he was never there, but he had proof-the love of his life! Two years later when the members of the 75th infantry got together in New York City, they decided to go on a game show. My great-grandfather was chosen to play, “Winner Take All”. He ended up winning a trip to, of all places, Amsterdam. He took his best man, his brother Clyde with him. After stepping off the plane, he immediately headed to the house on Tulip Street. Right then and there, he proposed. She said yes and less than four hours later, they were officially married. After saying farewell to her loved ones, the two were off to America, to a little place called Valdese, North Carolina.
The beginning of the war caused many problems and was devastating to Julius. By the conclusion of the war he was so glad that he fought for his country and came out victorious. He also never would have met the love of his life, if he had never joined the army.

spoon river

Hello, my name is Doctor Meyers and I’m here to tell you a little about myself before I was killed pneumonia. I would like to tell you the story that my tombstone doesn’t and how the people of this town ridiculed me for something I couldn’t prevent. I was a doctor in the small town of Spoon River and I was a caring one at that. Many people came to me when they couldn’t afford to go to some of the other doctors in the town because they knew that I would help them in any way that I could. I didn’t mind however, because I loved helping people and seeing them become healed from their ailments. The towns people knew that too but they didn’t take advantage of my generosity. They paid when they could and it was sufficient for me because I was fairly wealthy and had no trouble providing for me and my wife and also my children before they grew up and became mothers and fathers themselves. All the trouble began one night when Minerva came. Minerva was the town poetess and she didn’t have many friends but she seemed happy enough. Anyways, she came to me one night just absolutely crying her eyes out and very upset and begging me to help her. As soon as she asked, I took her into our living room and set her down on our couch and went and got my doctors tools. I woke my wife so she could come down and assist me. We got down stairs and Minerva was fading fast. I did everything I could to save her but something just wasn’t right with her. I just couldn’t find out what was wrong with her and I saw the light fading from her eyes and I worked even harder. No matter how hard I tried I knew I couldn’t save her. I didn’t know what else to do and the next time I looked at her, she was dead. I just didn’t know what to do. This had never happened before and all I could do was go to her family and tell them the news. The next day as I went into town, people glared at me and yell at me and one gentleman almost hit me in the jaw. I had no clue what was the problem until I bought a newspaper. The front headline was “Doctor kills woman” and then I knew that this was why everyone was ridiculing me. The pain didn’t stop there, oh no, it got worse than just putting it in the news paper. People came to my house at night and threatened to burn it down and some threw rocks through my windows. Finally my wife couldn’t take anymore of it and just collapsed one night, dead on the floor. I took her out that night to bury her so that the townspeople wouldn’t know where I buried her and go and dig her up and do God knows what with it. It was very cold that night and I was out there for several hours digging and burying. The next morning I woke up and cried a long time and then went down to try to fix breakfast and realized how bad I felt. Little did I know that I had caught pneumonia that night. I went this way for about two weeks and finally realized that it wasn’t going away so I went to Doctor Hill’s house, which was the only friend I had left in this town. I got him to check me out and I found out that I had an advanced case of pneumonia and that there was nothing he could do to help me. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say so I went home and just laid in bed for a week until I knew that I was going to live for no longer than twenty-four more hours. I got one of my servants to go to the engravers workshop and tell him what I wanted on my tomb stone. I wasn’t going to go down in history as a “killer” so I made sure I didn’t have anything bad about me on my grave. About an hour after my servant got back I drifted into a sleep, never to awake again on this earth. Her I am now telling you the story of what happened to me and how the people of the world will love you as long as you do the right thing and then they turn on you and want you dead. What would you have thought?

I Love Lunch!

This is a weird random song Matthew McCormick inspired with his taco bell song.

I love lunch, its half the way to dinner
I love lunch, if thats a sin then im a sinner!
theres soup to slurp, and chips to chruch,

Ive worked since 9
and now its time
for me to take a break and eat
roasted beef, and fava beans,
on a bed of mixed greens!
I like my chili with corn
i like my sandwhich served warm

That looks delicous, i wish i could eat lunch twice!
We love lunch were gunna sing it louder,
we love lunch, im eating clam choder!
take a break, escape the clock you punch,

we love lunch!